شگردهای زبانی و معنایی حافظ با اسامی غلامان و کنیزان در ساخت ایهام تناسب


  • حسین سلیمی هیات علمی


ایهام تناسب، ایهام تبادر، شعر حافظ، غلام، کنیز.


Hafez's poem can be considered as the most complex and mysterious poem in Persian in terms of using the artistic, rhetorical and semantic capacities and functions of language. In this regard, he goes so far that in order to receive and understand the intellectual world of his speech, no part of his speech can be ignored and delayed. What; Cleverly, cleverly and consciously, he has used all the subtleties and capacities of language to express his ideas and draw his worldview, and he has used them with all skill. Among these linguistic possibilities are the names of a type of slaves and maids in different historical periods of Iran, which were given to them for different reasons. It is due to the use of these linguistic techniques that Hafez's poetry has always been studied and studied by literary scholars from various angles. On the other hand, since the most important feature of Hafez's stylistics and art is his wonderful use of ambiguity and its types, especially proportional ambiguity, many scholars and poets have tried to extract evidence of ambiguity and its types in his poetry, different layers of meaning and linguistic cryptography. Show his art and reveal the wonders of the prismatic relationship of words in his poetry. In this research, an attempt has been made to show the artistic applications of the names of a kind of slaves and maids in the construction of the confusion of appropriateness and the confusion of desperation in Hafez's poetry by documentary and analytical methods. The results of the research show that Hafez, consciously and reluctantly, uses the names of a kind of slaves and maids in a context of confusion of proportionality and descent, so that both the prismatic and engineered relations of the words of the poem


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How to Cite

سلیمی ح. (2021). شگردهای زبانی و معنایی حافظ با اسامی غلامان و کنیزان در ساخت ایهام تناسب. LANGUAGE ART, 6(2). Retrieved from https://www.languageart.ir/index.php/LA/article/view/204